Mapping Laudato Si’: Chapter IV – Part 3 (August 13, 2023)

Integral Ecology Last week’s Mapping Laudato Si’ looked at the ecology of daily life with special emphasis on urban and rural life. Now we turn to the final pieces of Chapter IV: common good and the question of intergenerational justice 1. The Principle of the Common Good (156-158) The Pope reminds all that the common […]

Mapping Laudato Si’: Chapter IV – Part 2 (August 6, 2023)

Integral Ecology Last week’s Mapping Laudato Si’ addressed various types of ecology: environmental, economic, social, and cultural. Today, we continue highlighting this important chapter with a look at the ecology of daily life. 1. Ecology of Daily Life (#147-155) In this section the Pope deals with the issue of QUALITY OF LIFE which affects everyone. […]

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