Faith Formation Overview & Registration

At Saint Anne, our wish is for every person to experience a rich and fruitful faith life.  To support members on their journey, we provide faith formation opportunities for all parishioners through intergenerational, life-stage and age-based offerings.  The purpose of our multi-faceted approach is to reach and strengthen the entire Saint Anne community through unified faith formation.

For adults of all ages, there are opportunities to explore and deepen your faith in a variety of settings; intergenerational, life-stage, gender-based, small group gatherings, and large-group experiences.  Along the way we’ll provide tools for application of your faith to the everyday world in which we live.

For children and teens, we provide an enhanced Catholic foundation through family faith formation, small and large-group gatherings, service, and sacrament preparation and reception.

Saint Anne offers a variety of opportunities for adults, families, teens, and children to grow and share in faith together.

What does Saint Anne Faith Formation look like?

For Children’s Faith Formation and Journey registration materials, please click here 

Please note that all adult volunteers who are working with children are required to fulfill
all Protecting God’s Children components including attending a safe environment program (VIRTUS).

“However, take care and be earnestly on your guard not to forget the things which your own eyes have seen, nor let them slip from your memory as long as you live, but teach them to your children and to your children’s children.”

Deuteronomy 4:9

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