In the Saint Anne Catholic Community, we believe that worship is an integral part of our faith journey. That’s why we offer a variety of worship ministries for people of all ages. No matter what your age or background, we have a worship ministry that is right for you.
We invite you to get involved in one of our worship ministries and experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from lifting up your heart and voice in worship. If you have any questions or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
If you have any questions or would like to join the ministry, please contact Rory Cooney, Director of Liturgy and Music, at or 847-620-3064.
Along with the greeters, ushers are Ministers of Hospitality and the official hosts of the weekend masses. They manage the collection as well as recruit people to set the table and bring up the gifts. By their presence, conversation and actions, they make all who come to the liturgical event feel welcome. This ministry is open to all persons, young or not-so-young.
Contact: For Greeters, please contact Rory Cooney at 847-620-3064 or
For ushers, please email or call John Jirschele at 847-612-2729
The work of the Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion (or “EM”) is to minister Christ’s body and blood to the body of Christ, the church. A person who aspires to this ministry must be a confirmed Roman Catholic, who regularly shares in the Eucharist and is committed to the faith. Archdiocesan training is required, which is held periodically during the year. Each EM serves approximately two to three times a month according to your Mass preference.
Contact: Breda Barry: or 847-620-3065.
The Lector’s role at the liturgy is to proclaim the Scripture reading of the day so that all may hear God’s word: challenging, comforting, capturing our hearts. A lector needs to have a clear speaking voice and good diction. Archdiocesan mandated training is also required for lectors as well as a short training on Saint Anne procedures.
Contacts: Jim Deluga, or Marge Lymperis:
All boys and girls of Saint Anne parish and school, grades 4 and up, are encouraged to consider altar serving. Being an altar server is a sacred privilege and a very special responsibility. Young people have been serving at Mass for centuries! Duties include –lighting candles, helping to set up the altar and assisting the Priest during Mass.
Contact: Kathy Diogaurdi at or 847-381-0311
We celebrate Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLoW) on most Sundays at the 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. liturgies. The purpose of CLoW is to allow our children ages 5-11 to hear and celebrate God’s word at their own level. At the opening prayer, the presider sends the children off with some adult and teen ministers to another space, where the Sunday readings from the Children’s Lectionary is proclaimed. The homilist uses materials provided by the liturgy office to guide the children’s reflection on the readings and then leads them in intercessions. The commitment is for one or two liturgies on a Sunday approximately every 3 to 4 weeks.
Contact: Breda Barry: or 847-620-3065.
The Mass Coordinator ensures that all preparations have been completed for the celebration and that all assigned liturgical ministers are present. Due to the very limited number of positions needed for this ministry, qualified, experienced ministers of communion are recruited on an as needed basis.
Contacts: Joe Abbate: and Susan Doody:
If you wish to update your contact information with the parish or otherwise have a question, please email us!
Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(Closed for Lunch from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.)
Contact Us
120 N. Ela Street • Barrington, IL 60010
(847) 382-5300
Fax: (847) 382-5363
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